Turtle Farms and Turtle Rescue


Turtle Farms and Turtle Rescue Programs

Mexico is rapidly becoming one of the foremost countries leading the way in nature conservation. Sea turtle rescue and turtle nesting programs like those in the Riviera Nayarit are giving endangered sea turtles a fighting chance for survival, and tourists can see, learn, and participate in the protection of these magnificent but fragile creatures. The challenge for baby sea turtle survival is to prevent eggs and hatchlings from being attacked by predators.

In Bahia Banderas Bay, the town of San Francisco (nicknamed San Pancho) is home to a marine nursery, and Flamingos Beach is the site of a turtle farm, both in service to the preservation of sea turtles that use Riviera Nayarit’s beaches for nesting: Olive Ridley, Leatherback, Hawksbill, and Green turtles. Late summer to late fall are the best months for visiting sea turtle sanctuaries, when turtle eggs are collected and hatchlings are later released into the ocean.

For participating in sea turtle rescue and release programs, contact Grupo Ecológico de la Costa Verde and Nuevo Vallarta Tours.

Share in the wonderful world of sea turtle farms and turtle rescue programs throughout the Riviera Nayarit like the one in San Pancho.

  4 Responses to “Turtle Farms and Turtle Rescue”

  1. I am looking to get married in November 2013 at the grand marival resort in Riviera Nayarit. I have been to this resort before and walked down the beach to the turtle sanctuary and had a memorable time with friends releasing baby turtles into the ocean. I was inquiring whether it is possible to make a donation to the santuary to have my wedding party and family release turtles into the ocean on my wedding day. Im not sure if November is the best time for this but that was when we attended 2 years prior. Please let me know if this is a possibilty. Thank you so much
    Amanda B

    • Hi Amanda!
      Congratulations on your wedding, I believe is taking place in Nuevo Vallarta? San Pancho is not far from Nuevo Vallarta, where the largest turtle rescue is located, although there are several on the Riviera Nayarit. It a very lovely small town that would be nice to visit for your wedding trip. Grupo Ecológico de la Costa Verde, A.C. and their website is http://www.project-tortuga.org/ is who you want to check out. Please tell them that RivieraNayaritFun and allSanPancho.com sent you! If you have not arranged your travel service, I would suggest VIP Transportation. They have amazing first class service, and regular fare as well, but you are getting married. VIP Transportation really takes good care with a lot of extras! Go to RivieraNayaritFun.com and click on the ad on the right.
      There is so much to do here on the Nayarit! Let me know how I can help direct you. Everyone is a bit different, and likes different things!
      Many Blessings for your new marriage.
      Take Care, Cat Morgan Cat@RivieraNayaritFun.com

  2. Hola! Trying to make contact to see if the children from our church in Bucerias would be able to participate in a turtle release. I saw the ‘Turtle Lady’ at the brunch in the Marival Residence brunch, but got the wrong email address for her….. Just need a little help here! Gracias! Keressa

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