Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue In Mexico
If you have not yet heard of Lin Chimes (seen here below busy at work!) and the Non Profit Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue program, well..she is one amazing woman who pulls us and
the Mexico dog and cat population together in the Jaltemba Bay area, (Las Varas, La Penita and Guayabitos) on the Riviera Nayarit in Mexico.
From coordinating and working the free spay and neuter clinics, fundraisers, adoptions and coordinating travel plans to get these animals connected with their new owners, Lin Chimes is one dear angel!
Lin has a lot caring folks on her animal rescue team, and we applaud all of you! Thank YOU!
Some folks already have several animals, or aren’t the position where they can have animals. There are many ways to help support the Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue program, via donations of supplies, time or monies. Check below to find out how you can help!
Below is the Jaltemba Bay Animals Rescue summer news letter. Check out the events and the loving pets that are ready to be adopted. These animals need our love and kindness. They give us unconditional love, and are ready to open your hearts and become part of your family!
Jaltemeba Bay Animal Rescue
Advocating humane and healthy practices for animals in the Jaltemba area (Las Varas, La Penita and Guayabitos) by promoting health, education, sterilization, adoptions, foster care and positive relationships with animals and their owners.
December 2003 to May 2013: During this time, there were 16 clinics and 3,298 animals spayed or neutered in the Jaltemba Bay Area!
Statistics for April Year to Date:
Sterilized: 218 animals 282 animals
Vaccinated: 50 animals 81 animals
Medical Treatments: 34 animals 71 animals
Medical Emergencies: 12 animals 16 animals
Adopted Out: 27 animals 54 animals
Health Certificates: 16 animals 30 Canada/1 USA
Statistics for May Year to Date:
Sterilized: 13 animals 295 animals
Vaccinated: 32 animals 113 animals
Medical Treatments: 4 animals 75 animals
Medical Emergencies: 0 animals 16 animals
Adopted Out: 6 animals 60 animals
Health Certificates: 1 animal 31 Canada/1 USA
Our Next Clinic is planned for: November 13th to 16th, 2013 at at the beautiful hacienda of Del and Sue Moss. Thank you so much, Del and Sue!
JBAR is on the Web!! (Please click on the live links below to view the videos)
is honored that Don Chaput, Angel Communications made two great videos about JBAR. The first
“You May Not Save the World But” is about JBAR: its beginnings, its clinics and its work.
The 2nd video Don made is about our first “ Greet and Sniff Party “in Victoria where we had a reunion with
50 of JBAR’s adopted dogs and their families.
Don has an extensive background as a freelance videographer, cinematographer, director, producer, and editor. He has completed over 150 film and video projects for Canadian and international clients, including governments, school boards, research foundations, television stations, and private-sector companies and has held long term
contract positions as a videographer and cinematographer with the CBC. He has freelanced for Australian Film commission, British Government, Saudi Arabia, Home and Garden TV, Discovery Channel, Fuji, Toshiba, Sony of
Japan, Volkswagen of Germany, Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation Communications BC, BC Premier Glen Clarke and Steven Spielberg. Don also received an award as a videographer for Steven Spielberg’s
project, “Survivors of the Shoah,” recording the personal testimony of individuals who lived through the Nazi regime in Europe.
Fundraising Events in Victoria this Summer:
Please join us at the Mexi-Can Vet Project booth to help to raise money for Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue at the following events:
The Gorge Canada Day Picnic July 1 st at the Park
The 2nd Annual “Meet and Sniff” Party September 8th. All JBAR adopteddogs and the families are welcome.
Thank you to Mary Koyl for hosting a fundraising tea for us in Victoria in June.
Jim Stewart and Margie Macartney representing Mexi-Can Pet Project at the Vancouver Island Pet Expo in Victoria in May.

Sue and Mick Chapman $ 100.00 CAD Virginia Grant
$ 40.00 USD Jennifer Barton
$1,000.00 pesos George and Sandy Nicholson
$ 40.00 CAD Dinah Cyr $ 50.00 CAD
Virginia Grant $ 40.00 USD
Susan Denike $ 300.00 CAD
Dr. C. Buxton $ 500.00 CAD (South Burnaby Veterinary Hospital Ltd)
David Simm $ 200.00 CAD Mex-Can Vet Project $2,500.00 CAD
Julie Lamson $ 52.50 CAD
Thank you, Julie, for flying little Negra (Winnie) to Canada.
Thanks also to Dr. Carolyn Buxton at the South Burnaby Veterinary Hospital for finding a loving home for her.
Hailey MacLean who donated an Oster animal clipper, 8 blades,and 4 cans of blade wash from the Oster corporation.
Brian Harnett from Wahl Canada who donated 6 Oster Animal Clippers and to Ron Nicholls for facilitating these donations.
Melanie Blair (Beach Dog Boarding and Salon) thank you for the photograph at both ‘Paws for a Cause’ events which raised a total of $2700 pesos www.BeachDogInMexico.com
Thank to Joy and Lionel for rescuing another little abandoned dog from La Penita beach . They have rescued Pico two years ago from La Penita Centro . Actually , the dog adopted Joy. She followed her all the way to the RV Parkand would not leave . This little one , Miss Lucy , was covered with ticks , flees and matted all over . She had been abandoned by her owner and was fending for herself for a month . A special thank you to Joy for her volunteer days at the November Spay and Neuter Clinic .
Chocolate lab puppy “Lila” Female, Sterilized and Vaccinated, 6 months old. Very friendly.
Sandy, 4 months, female, sterilized.
Well socialized with other dogs and cats. Very sweet!
For Adoption:
Skipper, 4 months old, Male and sterilized. Well socialized with other dogs and cats
Honey, 4 months old, Female and sterilized. Loves to be held. Well socialized with other dogs and cats
Sandy, Skipper and Honey are litter mates.
Capulina for Adoption. Her adoptive parents never showed up so she is back for adoption Vaccinated and sterilized She will be a loving companion. Very well socialized with other cats and dogs.
Also for adoption many great kittens and cats! All sterilized.
Our recent ADOPTEES!
Estrella Adopted Negra (Winnie) Adopted
Pia Adopted
Tigre Adopted
Star Adopted
http://www.mexpup.com Please let us know if you are willing to be a Guardian Angel to accompany a pup back to Canada.
TO MAKE A DONATION to JBAR: Email to: linchimes@hotmail.com
Donations may be made through mail, direct deposit, email money transfer or in person.
Check us out on Facebook: Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue
More information about JBAR may be found at these websites:
Jaltemba Jalapeno
Adopt a Dog from Mexico Program
Mexi-Can Vet Project 2011.
DON”T FORGET TO CLICK ON THIS LINK! http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful support! It all because of you!